fail to mention

美 [feɪl tu ˈmenʃn]英 [feɪl tu ˈmenʃn]
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fail to mentionfail to mention
  1. And when you 're talking about computers , how can you fail to mention ... accounts !


  2. But what most stories fail to mention is how bleak Squanto 's life really was .


  3. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned anything that you later rely on in court .


  4. They often fail to mention the millions who died from famine during forced collectivization , and those who died in the Gulag hard labor camps .


  5. Item 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 in the present domestic Architectural Code of Anti-seismic Design only mention the checking computation methods for anti-quake of pier between windows , fail to mention the computation process for spandrel .


  6. Often they were the same person . ( No true recollection of Goldberg could fail to mention that he loved to play poker , often late into the night . He possessed a keen mathematical mind , and I 'm told by reliable sources he usually won . )
